They had done a recent test on 568 Covid-19 patients and discovered that this virus is not showing any evidence of entering the lungs by the airways. What they have found out that it is entering through the gums or saliva. Now to the report: Coronavirus may infect lungs by gums or saliva, yesterday the dollar wasn't performing the usual way, it has the opposite to the performance of the stock market boards.
Today the dollar was back to its usual self with it rising, ever since a little before midnight going into Tuesday morning the US dollar has been rising. Around a quarter till 4 am EST it was at its lowest point of $90.86 and has been moving upward throughout the morning. So stock futures ended up opening on the downside while the dollar climbed higher. It eventually peaked up to $91.28, at the moment it is at $91.20 at 2 :51 pm PST. Still the negative red line on the MACDs is pulling further away on the dollar, with it the negative red line at +.08 and the positive blue line at -.13 the history line is at -.21.
Now with the three day wait has gone through on the processing was able to place a purchase to buy a total of 109 shares from the 47 shares that I had sold off on Monday morning 4/19/21.
That will then increase the amount of shares by 62 in total on all shares in holding up these 11 different stocks, our investments had loss $115.19. Still have a profit of a little over $300, but with the recent trading the profit should start rising again. Here are the stock futures: DOW is down by $10.00, the S & P 500 is down by $5.00 and the NASDAQ is down by $51.00 at 5:15 pm PST. Right after the stock market boards has closed the US dollar had a sharp spike a few minutes ago rising up to $91.24 and has dropped down to $91. 21 at 5:19 pm PST. The DOW with another update is now up to $2.00, the S & P 500 is now down to $4.00 and the NASDAQ is now down to $47.50 at 5:22 pm PST. Dollar slipping down to $91.20 at 5:23 pm PST, stock futures are rising: DOW is up by $13.00, S & P 500 is down by $2.5 and the NASDAQ is down by $36.75 at 5:27 pm PST, while dollar slides with it at $91.16 at 5:28 pm PST.