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Monday, February 15, 2021

Phase two is about to arrive to build up our companies revenue

     Things are beginning to take place with our backer to back us up for $50 thousand is arriving to Eugene, Oregon this coming week.      In previous posts we have mentioned about placing another $39 thousand directly into our Merrill Lynch account.        166 days since we have begun phase one of our operation with 1.656636752136752 profit return, but has been increasing since the end of December 2020.

     At the end of December the return was at 1.297126436781609 and has been a increase for nearly two months of 0.35511084585911.      Now dividing 1.656636752136752 by the 7 months equals to 0.2366623931623931, the increase going through these last two months is up by nearly .12 percent.

      Taking the .2366623931623931 by the $39 thousand going into the investment would equal to per month average of  $164,791.71.     Coming from that investment will put our service into phase III to start up the $30 thousand for the lending services for Carson Investment Services LLC.     For the sole purpose of creating The Carson Investment Lending Club that we have been putting up previous post.

      If you have read previous post about the experimentation test, to run multiple different test throughout the years.       The whole point we won't be asking for anyone to the place funds into the accounts that we will be offering to our customers.        As they say the proof is in the pudding and we have kept PDF records of these tests that we recently did.        Our backer has been quite interested for many months, its been just a struggle to get ourselves to where we are now.      Well, let's get to some interesting news items like these Republican mayors of many US cities urging the Republicans within the House and Senate to push President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion dollar bill through.       The second article is about the stock market bubble that these stock boards are in.      Here is the first article:      Here is the second article:       Now to the stocks futures: DOW is up by .76 percent, the S & P 500 is up by .65 percent and the NASDAQ is at .62 percent at 7:45 pm PST.

       The US dollar is down by .23 cents since last Friday's closing with it standing at $90.25 and is still heading towards it 52 week low.      Without the dollar rising suddenly the bubble upon the stock boards won't be popping yet until there is a rising spike.     When that happens then the correction on the stock market boards will take place.      Here is another update on the stock futures: DOW is up by .78 percent, the S & P 500 is up by .66 percent and the NASDAQ is up by .66 percent at 7:57 pm PST.      

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