Waiting on the US Government bill that will keep the United States offices open until the end of September of 2021, here is an article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/fed-s-daly-welcomes-more-fiscal-aid-as-stimulus-deal-nears/ar-BB1c5AoA?li=BBnbfcN. Here is information from the last closing on the US stock markets from Friday 12/18/2020 compared to when they had bottomed out on the Relative Strength Index on 10/28/2020. With DOW closing at $30,179.05 compared to the day of 10/28/2020 of $26,519.95, its above the 1.07 gauge that we had mentioned about in a previous post.
The gauge for the DOW after the close on Friday is at 1.137975373256737, with this stock board heading for a correction to happen between now and January 4, 2021. Here is information on the S & P 500 with it closing on Friday 12/18/2020 at $3,709.41, compared to the $3,271.03 that it closed at on 10/28/20 when it bottomed out on the Relative Strength Index. With it being above the 1.07 gauge signaling for a correction coming up as the S & P 500 is at 1.13401894816006. The NASDAQ on the Relative Strength Index had bottomed out on 10/30/2020 when it was at $10,911.59.
The NASDAQ is way above the 1.07 gauge from when it closed last Friday 12/18/2020 at $12,755.64 with it at 1.168999201766195. With the NASDAQ and the S & P 500 are due for a correction coming and expecting the US stock market boards to bottom out around the date of 1/4/2021 on the Relative Strength Index. We will be back with the stock futures for Sunday 12/20/2021 as we wait on the latest report. Here is the stock futures: DOW is up by .17 percent, the S & P 500 is down by .03 percent and the NASDAQ is up by .32 percent at 3:32 pm PST. Another article on passing the bill: https://fox8.com/news/congress-agrees-on-covid-19-stimulus-bill-mcconnell-says/ . Here is another update on the stock futures: DOW is up by .17 percent, the S & P 500 is up by .01 percent and the NASDAQ is up by .33 percent at 3:43 pm PST.