Even though its a steady improvement from the retail sales of August 2020 and seeing the September retail sales beating out what the analysis were expecting. Well these are good signs for recovery, except for the steady increase on more folks having the virus. We will have to try to prevent it from spreading around the world and if we have to temporary slow things down from meeting people for certain occasions.
The good thing is that we have learned more about the Coronavirus and found more things to combat against it that we didn't know months ago. Like one is the most recent test on silicon nitride powder and the creation of new mask, plus the development of disinfecting the particles of the virus from out of the air with companies working on creating a liquefied product of the silicon nitride powder. Pfizer is looking at filing after the elections to the FDA for emergence use for a COVID-19 vaccine inside the United States. Since September 3rd, 2020 when the stock markets began to slide, we had posted up this information before it happened near the end of August 2020. We are expecting to see the markets to climb from October 20th, 2020 from news articles on these coming events. Including the news from election poles as we continue to get a little closer to November 3rd, 2020 Election Day. The only thing in detail about September's 2020 retail sales are down from last years and even so that they were down more this September as there is still a driving force pushing the stock markets up. Now that this week in our investments declining for nearly the entire week, with just a small drop of $4.56 on the investments. Will have to see what happens on October 20th, 2020 to see how the US stock markets will be doing? The stock futures at the moment are mixed with the: DOW up by .05 percent, the S & P is up by .07 percent and the NASDAQ is down by .02 percent at 2:57 pm PST. Our experimentation only dropped by around $400 from its all time high yesterday and seeing that there is no change in the stock futures and wait for this next Sunday (10/18/20).