Here is how the after hours are doing on Labor Day: the DOW is up by .79 percent, the S & P 500 is up by .45 percent and the NASDAQ is down by .41 percent at 1:03 pm PST. Yesterday on Sunday here in PST before the Asian markets had opened all three of the US stock markets were majorly down.
In about 5 hours from now the Asian stocks market will be opening up for Tuesday (9/8/20) and so these US market after hours can either gain ground or loose ground before the US stock markets open.
On stock we have examined that is Advanced Emission Solutions Incorporated with the Relative Strength Index has begun to slow down on the decline the stock was doing. The MACDs now has started to stabilize with the recent decline has stopped on this stock, its beginning to show momentum.
Here is the stock symbol for Advanced Emission Solutions Incorporated (ADES) and is on the NASDAQ, now we will research for the second one. The second one is Actinium Pharmaceutics Incorporated that is on the NYSE American stock board and its symbol is (ATNM).
This stock has begun to stabilize on both the Relative Strength Index and the MACDs with both of them showing a upward momentum starting to push the stock up. Advanced Emission Solutions Incorporated closed last Friday at $3.91 a share, the Actinium Pharmaceuticals last Friday (9/4/20) had closed at $7.39. Both of these stocks will be added onto the experimentation when the US stock markets open for Tuesday (9/8/20), the experimentation is how we test upon stocks to get our future estimates when we open "The Carson Funding Investment Club. Today this morning we had finally was able to complete the video for the next backer for them to provide us with $20 thousand.
So while we are waiting from the first person that is providing us with $40 thousand that we should be receiving around the end of September. Both of these backers will then be included onto that first list of 60 customers when our company opens up. Saturday we have came across a website that professionally helps in finding a stockbroker that we will be looking at hiring to run this service of ours.
The estimate has shown approximately around $35 thousand for each of those 60 customers within three months.