Carson Investment Services LLC provide information to individuals and small businesses data on stocks.
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Sunday, July 26, 2020
Making sure that this Campaign will be Successful
Today we have been researching businesses that helps in bringing in funding for an campaign to raise the require funds of $50 thousand to get this project off the ground for Carson Investment Services LLC.

Here is Some Math on 60 Accounts divided by $30 Thousand with Each Individual and Small Business Having these Accounts Funded with $500 Each.
Let's say that your one one of the individuals or small businesses that Carson Investment Services LLC sets up your account with $500 hundred. Now multiple that $500 by 60 more individuals or small businesses within your group. That equals to $30 thousand dollars being invested into stocks for you and let's say that during the first month the total return in that group was at 1.74 times. Take the $30 thousand and multiple it by 1.74, that equals to $52,200 and now remove the loan of the $30 thousand that Carson Investment Services LLC has started your account with. After removing that $30 thousand should equal to $22,200 and now divide it by the 60 individuals and small businesses with in that group, that equals to a profit of $370 for each person on the first month. With the service fee of 2 percent equaling to $7.40 per person. Times $7.40 by 60 equals to $444.00 total on the 2 percent service fee on the first month.
Now take that $362.60 profit and multiple it by 60 again, it should equal to the $21.756.00.
Multiple the $21.756.00 for the second month by 1.19 that equals to $25,889.64 Now let's look at the individuals or small businesses adding more funds to this group of 60 people of $12,500 and add it to the $25,889.64, that equals to $38,389.64. From out of that $25,889.64 there is an $8.63 service fee from the 2 percent that equals to a total of $517.79. Minus the $517.79 that from off the $38,389.64 equals to $37,871.75. Going into the third month we take the $37,871.75 that is multiplied by the stocks invested of 3.52 with it equaling to $133,308.91. The 2 percent service fee equals to $44.44 per customer and remove a total of $2666.18 from the $133.308.91 equals to 130,642.73.
Divide the $130,642.73 by the 60 folks in the group, each individual and small business would have a total of $2,177.38. So from getting back the $30 thousand from loaning it to the first 60 customers and adding the total on the three service fees of $444.00, $517.79 and $2666.18 equals to $33,627.97. Well that $30 thousand is put back into the lending service to create the next 60 people that are waiting on that list for Carson Investment Services LLC to fund their accounts with $500 hundred each. The $3,627.97 goes towards paying on utilities, employees and the hedge funding market manager. So the next $30 thousand that is invested is bringing more service fees on top of the $3,627.97. Then that loan is paid back and goes into our lending service to take off another 60 individuals and small businesses and puts us at 180 customers.
Here are some data information from our tracking research on certain stocks that were used in the experimentation test with dates and the cost of the investment, the return and profit on them. If it is the same letter for under stock then it has been purchased multiple different times within the experimentation, it includes the cost of brokerage fees in the investment amount and investment return.
Stock Date Purchased Investment amount Investment Return Date sold Percentage
A 4/23/20 $1386.93 $5506.07 5/1/20 3.97
A 5/4/20 $1493.05 $3218.65 5/7/20 2.16
A 5/8/20 $1993.05 $9714.85 5/14/20 4.87
This stock was sold early in the morning on 5/14/20 when it peaked up to .60 cents a share within the experimentation and repurchased just before the market had closed on 5/14/20.
A 5/14/20 $1993.00 $3887.40 5/20/20 1.95
A 5/21/20 $2000.00 $3793.05 5/29/20 1.90
A 6/19/20+6/22/20 $4013.69 $6609.11 6/29/20 1.65
A 7/1/20 $3006.88 $9667.83 7/17/20 3.21
The data within the experimentation is saved everyday in a PDF file on our computer system and the stock above for A, we have mentioned about this OTC stock. Here is the link for that past post about this stock A: The stock is the first one we mentioned about that it creates chemicals to remove germs and viruses, that includes your produce items at grocery stores.
Back in December of 2019 they have made agreement to sell this same product to a Media Business that has been using this product to leave a film covered surface on tables and push buttons, like inside an elevator. This company is one of the businesses to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus within the United States. The experimentation has 48 different stocks that are being used, as I have provided the detailed information on stock A. We will present more information on stocks, B, C, D, E, F and G when we update this post on how they have done. Well we leave you with a most recent Stock that we call in our experimentation AN, this stocks percentage had pulled in an average of 8.60 as it is another stock listed on the OTC stock board.

Saturday, July 25, 2020
Since Posting about this Stock on (7/21/20) with the NASDAQ going down the Last Two Days.
On the 21st of July of 2020 we had mentioned how this stock was having momentum from the MACDs pushing it up. Well on the 21st Celsion Corporation was at $1.06 when it closed that day, since then it has climbed by .13 cents altogether, with it closing last Friday (7/24/20) at $1.19. More detail information is at: Tech Stocks Upon the NASDAQ was going Through a Selloff.

Ready for Bringing our Services out to the Public Tonight
In a few hours our first video that we had done here in Eugene, Oregon will be airing tonight after 6:30 pm Pacific Standard Time on YouTube. We are in the process of setting up the Go Fund Me campaign and waiting for this video to air later on. Then we will add the second video onto YouTube for the campaign to get Carson Investment Services LLC off the ground. Here is the link for our first video This link won't be available until after 6:30 pm PST. We will be adding another video link to YouTube soon, as each step is getting us closer to start up the Go Fund Me campaign to bring Carson Investment Services LLC from off the ground.

Thursday, July 23, 2020
With the way the US Markets Opening up for Friday
Right now the US stock futures are declining with overseas markets falling sharply. Friday on (7/24/20) could present some nice buys with some stocks falling in price.

Just Completed the Editing on the Script to Use for the Go Fund Me Campaign
Finally completed the editing on the script to use it for the Go Fund Me campaign.
Tomorrow morning we will place the two videos and the script for the campaign, even though it was another decline on most stocks today on the US markets. With some of the investments that we are putting towards the campaign had decline some. The momentum on all three stocks are still heading for gains when the price on the stocks start climbing. Yesterday we mentioned about the experimentation being at 29 different stocks and 5 of them from off the OTC stock board.
Those certain 5 from off the Over the Counter Stock Board have been going through recent peaks of doubling or tripling. Today (7/23/20) one of those 5 stocks had nearly doubled in one day and shot the experimentation up by almost another $2 thousand. This is the same formula that we are going to be using when Carson Investment Services LLC opens. Everything with the test are looking terrific and we are also going to be in some of these groups of 60 individuals and small businesses. So that we can grow our company and put some of those funds towards some more of the individuals and small businesses waiting for there $500 to be placed into a group of 60 people to begin making money.
Once we have the campaign going to raise this $50 thousand, we are planning on running the Go Fund Me campaign for a couple of months. Then include more videos about other places like small businesses that are hurting from not having enough foot traffic to sell products within the shop around the town of Eugene, Oregon.

Rough Day on the Stock Market Due to Increasing Unemployment Job Claims
The Labor Department was expecting around 1.3 million new unemployment job claims and the report had came out earlier today with 1.416 on new job unemployment claims. An increase of 1.09 percent than what the Labor Department was expecting and has been driving the US markets down for today (7/23//20). Tech stocks are slumping with Apple (AAPL), DOW (DOW) and Microsoft (MSFT) leading the decline on the DOW.

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